Now supports physical joysticks and implements virtual keyboard and mouse drivers! This is by far the largest feature update since ControlMyJoystick was launched around five years ago. Where to start?
IT’S A FREE UPGRADE for registered users. Just use your Product Key and you are good to go.
- You can now accept input from one or more physical joystick devices and apply the usual smoothing and curves. This is in addition to the existing DxWare device input.
- You can now map the various buttons and axis from physical joystick and DxWare inputs to the output virtual joystick driver axis and buttons.
- Added a VIRTUAL KEYBOARD DRIVER, which is way more reliable then the old SendInput method. You can still use SendInput, but after you use the driver, you won’t want to. This emulates a physical keyboard and it can do tons of stuff. Note: We don’t read keystrokes from the keyboard driver. We only send data to the driver so that it can appear as physical keystrokes.
- Added a VIRTUAL MOUSE DRIVER, which is also more reliable than the old SendInput methods.
- Refined how you bind output axis and made it more likely to be ‘seen’ by games.
- Greatly reduced CPU usage.
More release notes and a download link for the beta over on our beta page.