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Shows how to install and discusses the installed files and driver. A great vid to watch if you wondering what the installer is doing.
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Tweaking the User Interface
Shows how to change the user interface colors and scaling to make the app easier on your eyes.
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Voice Commands
Shows how to configure your microphone and voice commands in so that it can trigger a macro and send commands to a game.
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An introduction
A tour touching on the essential concepts used in ControlMyJoystick. Touches on profiles, macros and scripts.
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configuring joysticks
An in-depth look at how to set up one or more joysticks to provide axis and button data that can be used to trigger macros or adjusted with curves and passed to a game.
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Using curves
Shows how to set up an axis curve to modify controller axis data before sending it on to the game.
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Digital Joystick Emulation
Shows how to set up your controller to act as a digital joystick or use axis movements to launch macros.
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Sending text
An in-depth look at how to send keystrokes and text to games via the virtual keyboard driver.
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Smartphone as a trigger
Explore how to use and configure the free iOS and Android Remote apps. Search for ‘controlmyjoystick remote’ in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
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3Dconnexion Controllers 1
An in-depth comparison of the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator, SpaceMouse Pro and SpaceMouse Enterprise and how they are used as virtual joysticks with ControlMyJoystick.
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3Dconnexion Controllers 2
Shows how to set up the controller with ControlMyJoystick so that you can use the controller in games.
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Elite: Dangerous
Shows how to setup a 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Enterprise with Elite: Dangerous, map controller buttons and voice commands to the game, and show how to automate menus for docking and navigation.
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