Released February 16, 2023


The Game Automation Tool

Now Supports Windows 11!

No Credit Card or Email Required

Sending Us Bug Reports

If ControlMyJoystick crashes, this window is displayed along with a lot of good debug information instead of a cryptic windows error message.  Our developers can use this information to troubleshoot the issue and get it fixed.

  • Send Bug Report – Click this and enter your name and email address and it will attempt to send this bug report along with a screenshot of ControlMyJoystick using you default email application.  It will be sent to support@tetherscript.com.
  • Save Bug Report –  Saves the report to a file so that you can email it later on.  Please send all bug reports to support@tetherscript.com.
  • Close Application – Click this and it will shut down ControlMyJoystick.  It has to be shut down after the error dialog is displayed.

To see this window without having to wait for a bug to happen, you can force an error by going to the help/about menu item and opening the about window.  Press F12 on your keyboard and it will generate a harmless error and cause the debug window to come up.