
5.3 – It’s Beta time!

Time flies doesn’t it? And the friendly folks over at Nikon have been busy churning out great new bodies.So it’s time to include those in our newly released ControlMyNikon v5.3 Beta 1, which is a free upgrade to all our v5.x registered users.

Dev’s Desk #3: Tweaking the Filmstrip

So you have some images and you want to be able to quickly browse them. It’s easy with ControlMyNikon’s filmstrip.There is a filmstrip in the image browser which in which you can control which information is shown for each image, and there is even a separate filmstrip in the workflows tab.

Dev’s Desk #2: Fun with Histogram Data

Histograms. Pretty well indispensable if you ask me. You shoot, then you review the exposure with a histogram.Many of us do it during post-processing, but you can really save yourself a lot of time if you do it before you shoot. Yes, I said before.

Yes, Windows 10 is supported.

But of course, there may be a gotcha. It scares the heck out of me when Microsoft decides to upgrade anything.A Windows 10 upgrade seemed to be overreaching, but I have been happy with the upgrade. Everything seems to work just fine on my Zenbook laptop, so fingers crossed in the future.

Version 5.2. More Goodness.

Many thanks to our v5.2 beta testers who really put 5.2 through its’ paces.Bugs fixed. New features added like D5500 support, Bulb workflow, Pulse workflow, and a focus stacking fast preview mode that is really handy. So our work is done here, until the next release of course.

V5.1 Final. Get yours today!

Today we have released v5.1 Final for all our users to poke, prod and enjoy.Many thanks to all our beta-testers who put it through the paces since early January. Bugs were squashed, features added. Now you can enjoy it too.

Version 3.1 Released

Many thanks to our users and their great feedback and ideas on how we can make ControlMyJoystick even better.  Lots of goodies and bug fixes.  Including the ability to adjust SpaceNavigator axis sensitivity by voice command.   Make sure you export your profiles from your old version before you uninstall it.  Then you can import …

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