
Yes, Windows 10 is supported.

But of course, there may be a gotcha. It scares the heck out of me when Microsoft decides to upgrade anything.A Windows 10 upgrade seemed to be overreaching, but I have been happy with the upgrade. Everything seems to work just fine on my Zenbook laptop, so fingers crossed in the future.

Version 5.2. More Goodness.

Many thanks to our v5.2 beta testers who really put 5.2 through its’ paces.Bugs fixed. New features added like D5500 support, Bulb workflow, Pulse workflow, and a focus stacking fast preview mode that is really handy. So our work is done here, until the next release of course.

V5.1 Final. Get yours today!

Today we have released v5.1 Final for all our users to poke, prod and enjoy.Many thanks to all our beta-testers who put it through the paces since early January. Bugs were squashed, features added. Now you can enjoy it too.

Perfecting your White Balance

White Balance. It’s one of those things that needs to be correct and it can be a pain if you forget to calibrate it.Fortunately, ControlMyNikon makes it easy. Just follow these easy steps, or check out this free tutorial video.

Mastering Stop Motion

ControlMyNikon makes shooting a stop motion video easy by using a dedicated workflow.Check out the tutorial video below to see how we created a short animation, and find out how you can release your inner Spielberg!